Monday, January 19, 2009


Went out running this morning, to try and get into the habit of running in the morning.  I decided beforehand to aim for about 20 minutes at a slower pace than normal, knowing the route I had planned was to be approx. 2 miles.  I was measuring time and distance with my phone but it slipped through my hands and reset itself at the 1.6 mile mark!

My run was really only 15 minutes but it felt good and set me up for the day I feel. I've got to finish one essay and start another one today, well that's the plan anyway. I also intend to get my Xbox 360 to network with my Suse Linux desktop as the wireless only seems to work on XP for some strange reason...

My next morning run is planned for Wednesday, as I don't have classes any more, unless I need help with my research project - minority ethnic groups and their portrayal in the media.  Tuesday and Thursday will be Muay Thai training where I intend to get some sparring and good padwork in. Friday will be teaching day for a good few weeks at various schools as per previous blog entries, I'll do no training on Fridays.

I'm also going to be looking at training strength as I feel that could do with some work if I intend to actually perform a muscle up this year. For those who may not know what a muscle up is - it is a pull up (palms facing away from the body) then you push upwards so that your arms are straight -

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