Monday, December 11, 2006

Almost a year...

I started parkour on January 12 2006, so it has almost been a year...!

In this time I have learned so much.

I have learned the difference between knowing something from reading it on an internet forum and knowing something through actually training! That is one of the most important things I have learned this year.

I have also learned that everyone progresses and learns at a different rate, both physically and mentally.

Only recently, I discovered the benefits of training with someone vs training alone. I understand reasons for wanting to train with someone, but also for training alone. I think that to learn new things, it is amazingly helpful to learn first hand from someone that knows the technique but to improve on the technique it is best to train alone, in isolation. This is something I will hopefully be able to use in the future.

Being forced to train on my own for 90% of the time this year has made me a better person in a few ways. I don't often get time to myself, but when I do, it is because I am out training and no-one else wants to join me. This has developed into a brilliant way to get rid of stress because I am getting everything off my mind and just focusing on one thing again and again and again and again and again and again (you get the drift..!).

This week onwards I am going to try and start filming my one year progression video which will hopefully be finished by the 2nd week in January. The tripod I ordered last week came this morning, so I may go out for a quick half hour session at dinnertime to try it out... haha! :D

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